

Next Stop Murder (2010)

Molly (Brigid Brannagh) is a recently married working-class woman who rides the city bus to attend law school. She is happily married and is trying to forge a bond with her husband, Jeff’s (Brian Krause) eight-year-old daughter, Gracie. Molly’s problem is Gracie’s biological mother, Heather (Rosa Blasi). Heather is an irresponsible, drug-addict who is allowed supervised visitation rights, but is nothing but trouble. Furthermore, she is fighting Molly’s attempt to legally adopt her daughter.

Sophie (Allison Lange) is privileged, spoiled, twenty-six-year-old party girl who was recently released from a mental institution. With her driver’s license revoked, this only child must ride the bus to attend court appointments and shop for clothes. Her problem is her old-moneyed, suddenly strict, widower father, Mr. Johanson (Joe Regalbuto). He has canceled Sophie’s credit cards, insists that she find a job, and has cut Sophie off from her open spigot of money. 

The two women meet on the bus and bond over the obstacles in their lives. Sophie suggests that they make each other’s problems disappear…

After Jeff’s car is set afire, and he angrily confronts his ex-wife, Heather turns up dead. Jeff is relieved by this fortuitous turn of events, but, unbeknownst to Jeff, Sophie turns up the heat on Molly to return the favor. An exasperated Molly tells Sophie that there was never any “deal” and says she’s going to the police. Sophie counters that incriminating evidence has been planted at Molly and Jeff’s house and reminds her of their obvious motive in getting rid of Gracie’s deadbeat mom.

Molly tries to avoid Sophie, but the increasingly erratic sociopath won’t let her forget their “agreement.” You kill mine, I’ll kill yours… no one will know. Ultimately, fearing for the safety of her family, Molly entraps Sophie into admitting to the authorities her role and is freed from the tangled web of the crazy bus girl.

STARRING: Brigid Brannagh, Allison Lange, Joe Regalbuto

WRITTEN BY: Johnson Chan

DIRECTED BY: John Murlowski

Currently airing on A&E's Lifetime Movie Network